27 April 2009

first day UAN!

whoaa gak nyangka loh hampir sudah 3tahun berada di smp, eh gataunya ud UAN aja hihi. aduh hari ini pertama UAN. deg2an juga haha. disuruh jd ketua kls, mimpin barisan kek anak TK, trs pimpin doa dan beri salam. yups kek berasa jd guru TK gua. haha. nih jadwal UAN nya. haha.

  1. Senin, 27 April 2009 : Bahasa Indonesia
  2. Selasa, 28 April 2009 : Bahasa Inggris
  3. Rabu, 29 April 2009 : Matematika
  4. Kamis, 30 April 2009 : IPA
Bedehh.. yang laen sih msih mayan bisa, IPAnya itu lohh. mat sih tdnya gabisa tp krn ud blajar ya jd mayan bisa. nah IPA gak bisa2 gua haha. huh. gua sih gak nargetin nilai mau dapet brapa, tserah Tuhan aja mao ngasih gua nilai brp atas usaha gua. hahah. yang pnting smoga dapet bgus, klo bisa sih bingg nya dpt bgus. hehe. sedih klo ngga x(

Pokoknya, wish us luck for all the students in Indonesia, wish we pass all the exam with good score, pass 100%!! eeyayyy :)

20 April 2009

for you to know

I am just thinking that you should really know this
What I am feeling about you
Cause you just don't know
I wont ever tell you or anyone else
I just keep it to myself
And let them know themselves
You don't know that I am afraid
Afraid of something that is so silly
Silly if I tell my friends and they will just laugh at me for sure
It is something that really close to me, and It's getting closer to us both
It's something that you had in the past
Well, you didn't really own it, cause you had never got it in your life
And you don't know what I am feeling
What I am feeling when I am beside you
Feeling happy and glad to be yours
To have you beside me
But you just don't know how happy I am
And how afraid I am to lose you
I don't wanna lose you
But I don't know why, sometimes I just feel left
I feel ignored and even nobody cares
I always wonder why you do that
And you don;t know how it hurts me much when I feel ignored
It's spinning around my mind, inside my head
You don;t know
That I have loved you much since that day
And now I love you much
But I don't think you can feel it too
You just can't feel how much I love you
That's why you don't care sometimes
I miss the moment
When you said 'i love you' when we were gonna say good bye
And when you hold my hands and hug me, I don't want you to leave me alone
I need you beside me
I just want you to know that I love you
And I don;t wanna lose you
So please, always be there for me
Always be beside me
Cause i love you, and I need you
You, and I, together...


just expressing a present feeling

I don't know why
I feel this some times
Like when you don't care about me
When you ignore me and leave me for your friends
It seems like you don;t care anymore about me
Especially nowadays
I feel like you're changing time by time, day by day
I don't know why
I need you beside me
But you're never available for me anymore
I don't wanna miss anything
But the fact now i miss everything
You know what,
I miss the moments we usually spent together
I miss the moments when you made me happy, when you made me laugh or smile
I miss the moments when you loved me too much
I miss the moments when you said 'i love you' when we were gonna say goodbye in a day
I miss the moments when you hugged me
I miss the moments when you kissed my cheek
I miss the moments when you whispered some words to me
Don't you know that?
Don't you feel it too?
Don't you feel the same?
Don't you understand?
Don't you realize it?
I can feel it..
But I just don't tell anyone else
I just keep it to myself
Only God and I know
You're getting far and farther each day
I don't know if you're deliberating or not
Each time I ask you, you always say that I'm too over
Well, maybe It's just my feeling
That I keep inside my heart
But, hey, I'm a sensitive girl!
I can feel it
Even though you say NO, but I feel it as a YES
Are you avoiding me these days?
I don' know
But I want you to answer me
I'm afraid
I'm afraid of losing you
Really, I have loved you
And I'm afraid with the things happened around us
I'm afraid they will influence you
I don't need you to be always beside me every time and everyday
But I just need you to show that you care for me
That you love me so
That you love me as much as you did
But I think you just don't love me as you did, right?
I can feel it
Please be honest to me
Don't just keep it as yours
It's ours to talk about
I miss you much, really
I want to talk to you
I want to hug you
And maybe I want to cry on your shoulder if I can
I love you
I'm really afraid to lose you
I don't wanna get mad at you
So I always try to be patient
Whatever you do, it will always be okay for me
Don't avoid me, please
I need you beside me

Even I know, it will happen to me like it has happened to my friends, you will leave me, soones, or later T.T

"aku sayang kamu, jangan gini yah"


12 April 2009

hey it's my first post!

Wiiw it's my first post. Well, bingung mau tulis apaan hahaha. It's 11.13pm here when i started to write a post. I should have slept actually because i got an exam for tommorow, yeah, Indonesian and PLKJ. I didn't even study ;P
Semalem gua nginep di rumah Renny-my beloved girlfriend(cousin)- dan semalem becanda gila-gilaan sm ci Rika juga. Haha. Intinya yg bikin gue ngakak abis, waktu liat muka renny panik waktu gue kerjain! Haha.
Hari ini Paskah, happy easter, all! Tadi ke Gereja Blok B sm renny dan ci rika, ikut misa anak-anak, terus ke starbucks bentar hihi. Terus tadi juga ke sushinaga makan dan showroom mobil liat-liat mobil sm om tante sekeluarga -.-
Pulang-pulang ke rumah nyalain laptop, bingung bgt inet nya gakbisa nyala, sial! Haha tp setelah dikuatk atik eh bisa juga sih. Haha. Abis itu tidur dan bangun-bangun ngerjain tugas komp dan nyari2 jawaban uas PLKJ. Udah tau sih soalnya hahaha.
And now this time im writing a post, gaktau kenapa jadi pengen aja buat blog, dulu pernah sih bikin tapi gak keurus sama sekali karena cuma buat tugas haha. Doain aja ya moga-moga sampe besok besok dan besok, ini blog keurus sama gua haha.
Well, I admit it is an akward first post! :)
Good night everyone, wish you all have a wonderful night :)